Pre-Graduation Career Planning for International Students with Rich Professional Backgrounds from Your Home Country.

With no Canadian experience, you stand no chance of securing a job opportunity. Have you heard of these words already? 

Welcome to Your Next Career Chapter in Canada—Where Your Global Experience Paves the Way for Unprecedented Opportunities. Prosfata Inc. and our team of industry experts are here to work with you to help bridge the gap between your previous experience and your career ambitions in Canada.

Our Mission

Prosfata is dedicated to empowering highly experienced and educated newcomers including international students to find jobs in their respective areas of expertise and industries by matching them with industry-specific career coaches who are successful professionals in their fields, who guide them through a structured process for transitioning and growing in the Canadian job market. This matchmaking empowers them to secure fulfilling job opportunities that not only recognize their expertise but also accelerate their career growth, thereby making a significant contribution to the economic development and growth of Canada.

Why The Prosfata Experienced International Students Service?

Industry-Specific Insights

Leverage your international experience with tailored guidance that aligns with industry demands in Canada, guided by a previous newcomer who is successful in their career today.

Strategic Career Mapping

Work with us to map out your career trajectory with our expert advisors, ensuring a seamless transition from graduation to employment.

Customized Job Search Strategies

Benefit from personalized job search strategies that highlight your unique transferable skills and experiences to prospective employers.

Networking Mastery

Connect with industry leaders and professionals through a guided career networking strategy that helps you plant a foot in the industry before you graduate. 

Hear From Amitha

Hear From Amitha

“I was anxious about finding a role that matched my experience in finance back home. Prosfata not only helped me find the perfect position but also prepared me to excel in the Canadian job market.”


Prosfata user

Exclusive Opportunity for Pre-Graduating International Students

Enroll now and secure your spot in our Pre-Graduation Career Planning Program. Tailored specifically for international students with over 5 years of work experience, this program is designed to ensure you find a job in Canada that will unleash your potential and set you up for future career growth in an industry and space you enjoy working.

Start Your Career Journey In Canada Today

Embark on your career advancement journey with Prosfata – guided by industry experts dedicated to your success.